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Letter to Parents

Dear Parents or Guardians:

We would like for you to take this opportunity to review the transportation rules. The State of California regulates the laws regarding the transporting of students. Some of these laws are as follows:

  1. Designated Bus Stop:
    Each student is assigned a designated bus stop. Students may enter and exit the school bus ONLY at their designated stop unless a bus pass is provided to the driver upon entering the bus. Notes from parents to the bus driver are not bus passes. Your student may receive a citation if he/she attempts to enter or exit at an unassigned bus stop with out a bus pass. Parents must contact the school to get a bus pass. See bus passes below.
  2. Bus Passes:
    If for any reason your student needs to ride a bus other than his or her designated bus, he/she will need a bus pass from the school office before he/she boards the bus. A written note or phone call from a parent or guardian to the school office is required for the student to receive a bus pass. This includes students that spend the night at a friend or relatives house and need to board the bus in the morning.
  3. Bus Stop:
    Please have your student at the stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled bus arrival time. Students should walk to the bus stop using sidewalks, (when available), walk with other students, and wear bright clothing or reflective material. Students must respect other students, and respect the property of others. Students must stay twelve feet back from the bus stop until the door opens. Any unauthorized crossing of a highway or private road by the student will result in a Level II citation.
  4. School Bus Red light Crossing:
    Vehicle Code 22112 requires all K-8 students who need to cross a roadway (when bus is present) to or from a bus stop to be escorted by the driver. Gateway Administrative Regulation 3542 (c) in addition to VC 22112 requires all students K-12 who need to cross a roadway (when a bus is present) to be escorted by the driver. Gateway Unified School District does not provide for escorted loading of students as a regular part of our transportation service. If your student is late to a bus stop that requires them to cross a roadway they must not cross the roadway until the driver can escort them and the student will be cited for improper bus stop procedure. Students must be at their bus stop 5 minutes before scheduled pick up time. Any student required to cross a roadway upon unloading from the bus will be escorted by the driver pursuit to VC 22112 and AR 3542 (c).
  5. Kindergarten Students:
    All kindergarten students must be met by a parent or a designated person(over the age of 18), on the students emergency card to be released at his or her bus stop. No exceptions! This emergency card is located at the school site. If the parent or designated person is not at the bus stop, the student will be returned to the school. After three "no shows" from a parent or designated person the student will be given a bus citation as a warning. If the parent or designated person continues to not be present at the bus stop a second citation will be issued with the student possibly receiving time off the bus. (A parent may choose to have a signed walk note on file at the school stating their child may be released from the bus without adult supervision. Note: The Transportation Department will not be responsible for tracking days that your student may walk, or with whom your student may walk with. Your student is either a "walk" or "no walk" student. )
  6. Behavior:
    Students are expected to behave in a safe and controlled manner. Students that misbehave may be issued a citation and can receive time off the bus. If a student receives a citation, the driver will attempt to contact the parent or guardian. The citation will be sent home with the student (if possible) or mailed. Please look over the citation with your student. Sign the citation and return it to the driver.
  7. Route Numbers:
    The transportation department has set up your home to school transportation using a routing system. All route numbers are located above the entryway door at the front of the bus. Buses are subject to change at any time without notice; please do not use the number of the bus as the only reference, be sure to check the route number above the door.
  8. Passenger Restraints (seat belts):
    All passengers in a school bus or in a school pupil activity bus that is equipped with passenger restraint systems in accordance with sections 27316 and 27316.5 of the Vehicle Code shall use the passenger restraint system.
  9. BOARD POLICY (BP) 5131.1:
    Video cameras may be used on school buses to monitor student behavior while traveling to and from school and school activities. The Board believes that such monitoring will deter misconduct and help to ensure the safety of the students and staff. Students found to be in violation of the districts bus conduct rules shall be subject to discipline in accordance with district policy and regulation.

10. SB 3216:Unauthorized Cellphone Use

Authorizes the driver to limit cell phone use and confiscate a cell phone if the student is found to be in violation of SB 3216.

Any questions or concerns may be directed to the transportation department at 245-7930.