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School Bus Standards

Parents and students must sign and return to the school office a copy of the School Bus Standard/Citation Procedures and Bus Rules within two weeks of receiving the packet. Although not all students ride a bus to and from school each day, they may ride a bus for other events such as field trips or athletic activities. These forms will need to be signed, dated, and returned for these students as well. Please read both front and back and sign where required.

Citations may be issued at Level I or Level II depending on the severity of the situation. Summarized below is a brief explanation of each level:

Level I Infractions:

First Offense:
Written warning to student
Second Offense: Bus privileges suspended for up to five days
Third Offense: Minimum five day suspension, parent conference, student placed on contract
Fourth Offense: Contract broken, bus privileges suspended for 30 days
Fifth Offense: Any additional infractions will result in bus privileges being suspended for the remainder of the school year (suspension may be appealed at this level)

Level II Infractions:

First offense:
Bus privileges suspended for up to five days
Second Offense: Minimum five day suspension, parent conference, student placed on contract
Third Offense: Bus privileges suspended for the remainder of the year (suspension may be appealed at this level)

Parent conference:

Bus privileges will continue to be suspended until a parent conference is held. The conference will include the student, parent/guardian, principal, Director of Transportation and bus driver. The parent must call the Transportation office @ 245-7930 to schedule a conference.