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Bus Rules

The Gateway Unified School Districts transportation department has adopted rules and regulations in order to provide a safe and secure environment for students who use the school bus. The following bus rules and consequences are provided to students and parents to assist them in understanding the students responsibilities while riding a school bus. The following lists of student action constitute violations.

Level 1 Infractions

  1. Failure to obey the driver

  2. Any movement out of seat while the bus is in motion

  3. Eating, gum chewing, or drinking on the bus (bottled water with a re-sealable cap is allowed)
  4. Loud, boisterous, or any conduct that distracts the driver
  5. Riding or attempting to ride a bus other than the assigned bus without a bus pass.
  6. Giving improper identification when requested by driver
  7. Using profane language or gestures
  8. Throwing any objects in, out of, or at the bus
  9. Legs, feet, and objects obstructing aisle or student facing to the rear of bus
  10. Transporting live animals, bats, balls, skateboard, or breakable containers
  11. Littering of any kind
  12. Failure to remain quiet at railroad crossings
  13. Leaving the bus at an unauthorized stop without a bus pass
  14. Riding the bus after receiving a no-ride suspension
  15. Failure to use passenger restraint
  16. Using an electronic device for any reason without permission from driver
  17. Other unauthorized or unsafe action

Level 2 Infractions

  1. Disrespect to the driver

  2. Improper bus stop procedure, (late to bus stop, crossing street unescorted, rock throwing, playing in street, etc)

  3. Transporting, brandishing, or using a weapon of any kind
  4. Abusive body contact (fighting, slapping, hitting, poking, shoving, pulling hair etc.) at any time
  5. Harassment physical, sexual, racial, verbal
  6. Putting any part of the body out of the window at any time
  7. Unauthorized opening, closing, or tampering of any kind with bus doors, windows, emergency exits or equipment
  8. Lighting of matches, cigarettes, smoking on the bus
  9. Use or possession of any illegal substance
  10. Endangering life or limb of other people
  11. Causing any type of damage or defacing of bus or private property
  12. Other unauthorized or unsafe action


Pupils transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of, and responsible directly to the driver of the bus, and the driver shall be held responsible for the orderly conduct of the pupils while they are on the bus, or being escorted across a street, highway, or road. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a pupil to be denied transportation. A bus driver shall not require any pupil to leave the bus enroute between home and school or other destinations.

Vehicle Code 22112