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English Language Learner

The purpose of this program is to develop fluency in speaking, reading, and writing English in each student whose primary language is not English, enhance students' self-esteem, promote cross-cultural understanding, and provide equal opportunity for academic achievement, including academic instruction through the primary language when necessary. Regular education classes and staff are included in the MASTER PLAN to insure the commitment of all personnel to provide the best possible educational services for English Learners (EL).

English Learners will have equal access to the curriculum provided for all students. These students will make normal progress through the curriculum, experience success and will sustain adequate psychosocial adjustment.

The fundamental goal of our program is to have students function successfully in the English language.

Gateway Unified EL Master Plan:
Please click here to view a copy of the English Language Learners Master Plan.

English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)

Federal and state laws require that school districts must give a state test to students whose primary home language is not English. In California, this test is called the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC).

The purpose of this test is to:
- Identify English learners in kindergarten through grade twelve
- Measure their skill level in English
- Check their progress in learning English each year

ELPAC Assessment Resources:
Parent Guide to Understanding ELPAC

Take an ELPAC Practice Test

ELL Resources:

Shasta College Free ESL Classes

ELL/SDAIE Strategies

Colorin Colorado-Family Resources


ELL Contacts:

Laurie Crull, Spanish Bilingual Paraprofessional

(530) 275-7020 ext 5416


Jennifer Rodeen, EL Paraprofessional

(530) 225-0420 ext. 7133


Yoon Nam Thungc, Mien Community Liaison

(530) 225-0420 ext.7133


Lisa Endicott, English Language Learner Program Coordinator

(530) 225-0420 ext. 7117