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SAILS After School Program

Gateway Unified School District, S.A.I.L.S. after school program provides a safe, healthy, academic and enriching environment for students.

To assist students in performing at or above grade level as measured by state standardized tests, sites provide: homework assistance*, small group tutoring, learning games, computer time, and standards-aligned enrichment clubs.

To provide enrichment opportunities that will promote lifelong learning, increase self-esteem and community connections, sites provide: sports, healthy living skills, leadership skills, arts, mentoring and community service projects.

Registration Fee

The S.A.I.L.S program charges a $100 per child, non-refundable, registration fee. Fees are due upon registration and registration forms submitted without the fee will not be considered complete. The registration fee is due each time a child is registered for the program. Therefore, if a student is released from the program due to poor attendance, continuous behavior problems or multiple late parent pick ups, the registration fee must be paid in order to re-register your child in the program 30 days after the removal ( if space allows). The S.A.I.L.S. program is committed to making the program affordable for each and every participant. Please contact the Program Director at your school site to discuss payment arrangements or scholarships if needed. For your records, our Federal Tax Identification # is 94-3143920.

Student Supervision

The program is staffed by at least one Group Leader for every twenty students and a Site Coordinator that oversees and supervises that site's program. All staff are fingerprinted and screened by the District.

Student Safety

The safety of your child is important to the S.A.I.L.S staff. Therefore, please notify the staff of changes in your contact information throughout the school year. (S.A.I.L.S staff do not have access to your child's school file after the school office closes.)

Hours of Operation

Program sites operate from the regular school day release until 6:00 pm daily. Our program is closed when the schools are not in session.

S.A.I.L.S is primarily funded through voter-approved Prop 49, the After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant. Priority registration is given to students identified as being at risk of meeting grade-level standards.

*Note: One hour of homework assistance is provided daily, but the grant also requires students to participate in daily enrichment and recreational activities. Parents will still need to check their student's homework and assist with any unfinished work.