Comprehensive Sexual Health
To learn more about the requirements in the California Healthy Youth Act, please visit the following resources:
Instructional Dates
7th or 8th Grade (Science) and HS (PE or Science): Each school site will be determining an instructional window in the Spring for their comprehensive sexual health unit.
Notification and Opt-Out Procedure
Two weeks before teachers and/or nurses begin the comprehensive sexual health instructional unit, a letter will be sent home with all students to provide notification to parents and guardians. In addition, the letter will provide details on when and where the curriculum may be viewed for more information. As stated in the notification letter, a student's parent/guardian may opt their child out of the instructional unit. In the case that a student opts out of the instructional unit, the teacher will provide an alternative assignment or activity in an alternative location.
During the 2023-24 school year, an adoption committee will pilot and adopt new materials for comprehensive sexual health instruction in middle school, and in high school health. Materials selected will be aligned to the California Healthy Youth Act and parents will have an opportunity to preview prior to classroom use.
Comprehensive Curriculum
During the 2023-24 school year, an adoption committee will pilot and adopt new materials for comprehensive sexual health instruction in middle school, and in high school health. Materials selected will be aligned to the California Healthy Youth Act and parents will have an opportunity to preview prior to classroom use.